ScanFiles, Inc.


Because of case volume and client demands, your law firm depends on case management solutions to provide secure and accurate data access. Your office can work more efficiently, lower risk and improve client service if areas like case management, document handling, legal calendaring, contact management, time capture, law office billing and accounting are automated.

Contact ScanFiles and discover where we can help you save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars by automating areas of document management, archive and retrieval. Benefits you will realize are efficient use of your staff and the time spent managing files, data/information control and security, document storage and retrieval cost savings.

In addition, we offer a full range of document scanning services, both onsite and offsite. We provide solutions from scanning images onto CD/DVD to migrating images directly into your case and practice management software. We will help you achieve a ‘paperless’ office.

ScanFiles is the leader in providing document scanning and imaging solutions. Additional services we provide are file/box storage and certified shredding. We follow strict information security guidelines to ensure information confidentiality at all times.

A1-Law, Abacus, Needles, LexisNexis, Tabs3, AccessData, Laserfiche